Thursday, 3 May 2012

Thursday, 3rd of May

Meeting Denise was an incredible experience. The longer she sat in front of me, the less like Elvina she looked. More than that, she didn’t really sound like Elvina either. On the stage her voice is all power, a booming and yet subtly, sexual instrument. Talking to her to share confidences over a cafe table, her voice was much more nervous and soft. At points it was almost a whisper, with each word placed tentatively, yet precisely, in the correct order. The only time her tones got excited, was when she talked about Dexter Phillips.
Apparently he was the first to contact her, having had these dreams and been dreaming about her since the middle of last year. Even though he doesn’t live in London, he sought her out, tracked her down and persuaded her that what he was saying wasn’t totally mad. The other people in his dreams, he’s also had some success in tracking down (lord only knows how). The way Denise speaks about him, it’s like a fourteen year old discussing her favourite pop star – so dreamy and wide eyed, the quicker beating of her heart impossible to disguise. Apparently he’s incredibly knowledgeable, smart and is really building an understanding of what’s happening to us all. She didn’t say it out loud, but I imagine he is also somewhat charismatic.

She is going to introduce me to him this weekend. I cannot wait. Apparently he is anxious to meet me too.

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